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Old Apr 30, 2006, 10:59 AM // 10:59   #21
Lion's Arch Merchant
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I hate runners, the destroy the game. Many new players I find dont even know that you can get to droknars without being runned. That's not how it's supposed to be.

I love this new layout.
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Old Apr 30, 2006, 11:04 AM // 11:04   #22
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Anet will not tolerate with terrorists...err i mean runners
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Old Apr 30, 2006, 11:21 AM // 11:21   #23
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Honestly, the only locked gates I've come across that I've actually cared about were the ones on the starter island with my Tyrian Ranger. There's no way I'm getting through those gates, thus, no way to totally complete the map. That bugs me.

But, when I got to a locked gate on the mainland, I looked at it, said "oh", turned around and started doing quests again. I hadn't even thought about it until I saw this thread. I'm going about my merry way getting buko XP from random quests. That's what I was after the whole time (skill farmer).
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Old Apr 30, 2006, 11:45 AM // 11:45   #24
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I don't really like it. with my 1st char on prophecies, I just ran around not doing missions, but just discovering new outposts.

now I did that too, but all I got was locked gates.
Now I have the feeling you HAVE to do the quests to advance in the game, and random exploring isn't rewarded.
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Old Apr 30, 2006, 11:47 AM // 11:47   #25
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I don't think getting to a locked gate is a waste. I find it a lot easier to play after I have an area on my map and some experience with what kind of enemies are there.

I.e., getting to the gate a second time is a lot easier than getting there once.
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Old Apr 30, 2006, 04:52 PM // 16:52   #26
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err how do i get to the 1st mission in Kaineng?
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Old Apr 30, 2006, 04:58 PM // 16:58   #27
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I like this feature so now i cant get ran all across the map then buy expensive armor and find myself with about 10 skills and eventually delete that character wasting my money. This feature makes me play the game
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Old Apr 30, 2006, 05:31 PM // 17:31   #28
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Originally Posted by twicky_kid
Thanx Anet for the more uneeded grind. I only want to do the content once.
It's called "gameplay" not "grind"
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Old Apr 30, 2006, 06:18 PM // 18:18   #29
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Originally Posted by Weezer_Blue
Good for the rest of us.
Don't kid yourself... if ANET doesn't rake cash from these fly-by-nighters then you are out of your game. I'd love a 15 years and under security clearance button as well, but unfortunately we have to endure it because of the cash flow they produce.

Originally Posted by Overnite
It's called "gameplay" not "grind"
When grind is a term that starts being used to refer to gameplay, then there's a problem..... and that is a term that is starting to fly around whether you like to face it or not is up to you

EDIT: Please do not double post. - Swampgirl

Last edited by Swampgirl Inez; Apr 30, 2006 at 10:19 PM // 22:19.. Reason: double post
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Old Apr 30, 2006, 07:08 PM // 19:08   #30
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I never ran into a gate that I could not pass through.

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Old Apr 30, 2006, 07:39 PM // 19:39   #31
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Originally Posted by Kakumei
I never ran into a gate that I could not pass through.

OMG are you really saying what i think you are saying?

that you did the quest that took you past the gate as part of the quest?.............what an amazing concept
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Old Apr 30, 2006, 09:19 PM // 21:19   #32
Frost Gate Guardian
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Currently doing the primary mission, 'Finding the Oracle'. I'm supposed to proceed through 'Shadow Passage', and get there and the gate is opened, but I cannot proceed through. And this is when I'm doing the PRIMARY MISSION.
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Old Apr 30, 2006, 09:23 PM // 21:23   #33
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The locked gates are a way to put more content in a smaller place on the map while still forcing the game to be linear. Sure, you have to do the first mission to get to the guardens. And you had to finish THK to get to Ember Light Camp. I don't see where the issue is.

If you're mad that you can't get run everywhere, then oh well. That was Tyria, and this is not. I'm certainly not going to shed any tears because people can't get through the game without even playing it. Especialy now that players have a better slot/class ration, and an upcomming option to buy slots.
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Old Apr 30, 2006, 11:19 PM // 23:19   #34
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The locked gates are a very good idea, in my view. When it comes to the 12 vs. 12 battles, do you want 10 incompetants running around like headless chickens, dying horribly, and getting the enemy point count up? Although i think i have seen a way to get run to the last outpost in kaineng city, which i won't say, since it's useless anyway, because you have to get the right quests to get to kurzick, and then to luxon.
If you really want to know, i try exploring all of kaineng city, and i'm not 100% sure it is an option.
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Old Apr 30, 2006, 11:25 PM // 23:25   #35
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LOL at you guys complaining you cant run the game...
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Old Apr 30, 2006, 11:35 PM // 23:35   #36
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I actually like this.
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Old May 01, 2006, 12:01 AM // 00:01   #37
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I just realised this as well, can't enter some areas.
Well, it won't be as bad I hope once someone has mapped the whole of Cantha so people can peruse it online.
Will make pathing much easier and faster.
Of course, it might also mean ALL my characters have to strictly follow the storyline.
I think I actually appreciate the fact that in Tyria the map was much more free-roamable.
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Old May 01, 2006, 01:06 AM // 01:06   #38
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Originally Posted by Sol Faithman
I thought the locked gates on the starter island were pointless. I took my lvl 20 ranger there for a bit of relaxing wandering about, taking screen shots etc - I get to the north west part of the island (some Garden place) and I can't get through. I go back a bit and come to some guard by a gate who tells me I need to go do more training!! WTF!!!

I can fully understand A/nets stance on running as it is getting totally OTT - perfect example was within 30 mins of factions going live on Thursday there were people both offering and requesting runs to "the next town". What is the point of playing the game for christ sake if you're just going to get run everywhere. The RP in RPG stands for Role Playing not Run People

But back to the point of op - I think that there should be some indication that a warp point is "locked" as I did spend 2 or 3 hours fighting my way to some points only to find they were locked because I'd not done a quest/mission. Maybe is A/net could show the warp point with an red X through it or something - you'll know it's there but can't get through yet?

My 2p's worth anyway

Who are you to determine how people play a game they have bought? If they want to run parts of the game let them do it. Its their choice their game currency and it doesnt hurt you in any way. You people are always talking about new players getting ran to droknars, WTF are you thinking they dont have the money for the armor there or the run from ascalon to beacons...
Running is just another part of the game get used to it or go play another game. I have beaten all the missions in Tyria more times than I can count on my fingers, I sure as hell know I'm not waiting to get my 15k armors for my new characters. And why should I, haven't I experienced the game enough to skip some parts? I mean jeeze go find something more constructive to bash then poor runners. ;[
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Old May 01, 2006, 01:11 AM // 01:11   #39
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Originally Posted by Overnite
It's called "gameplay" not "grind"
After your first time through it is called grind.
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Old May 01, 2006, 01:18 AM // 01:18   #40
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I'm officially sick of this.
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